
Our lives became a little [EXTRA] special on February 15, 2011 in a way we never expected.

This is about our journey and the [EXTRA]ordinary people we meet along the way.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cincinnati Down syndrome Support Line, May We Help You...?

We may as well have an 800 number.

One call out and the troops rally. Although it's not an actual hotline, our East Side and Extraordinary Friends Mom's Group Facebook Page pretty much operates as one. It's amazing what you can accomplish with an internet connection and a computer or your trusty iPhone.

This week, we encountered a number of issues, triumphs and informative articles. One post and we are communicating with 50 plus different perspectives, ideas and sources of encouragement. Here are some examples:

First, Wyatt fell down the stairs this week. I mean hit nearly every single step on a whole flight. I was totally panicked. I decided to post something in the group Facebook page. In a matter of an hour, I had about 15 responses from other Mom's who had their child experience a fall down the stairs, nurses who provided me with crucial medical information and a bevy of supporters, ensuring me I was not the horrible mother I felt like I was. Thankfully, he is fine!

We had another Mom ask about her child's obsession with a certain movie. Again, there were Mom's providing input and support, offering ideas about how to incorporate movie character stuffed animals for therapy play or learning body parts, or social stories, how to manage behaviors or just tell that Mom that she is doing great and she is not alone.

Then we had another Mom experience a really tough sleep study. And again, Mom's chimed in to offer support, encouragement and ideas about how to improve next time or how they survived the sleep study.

Over and over again I experience a multitude of blessings for being a part of this group. I encourage other Mom's to plug into a Mom's group. Whether you have a "typical" child or a child with special needs, I believe we can all benefit from this environment.It's a global community. Where you're not just getting the ideas or support from your inner circle, but rather from a community of individuals with different backgrounds, expertise and general knowledge. It's fabulous!

Last weekend, we had an ice cream social for the DSAGC. We had a great time talking, watching the kids play and just generally being around a bunch of great people who undoubtedly accept every child for the [EXTRA]ordinary person they are.  And it didn't hurt that Eden got to play and be tortured by her brother and Wyatt got to flirt with his fiancé...

Hi, we are CUTE!

Excuse, me...may I have this dance?

I will hold your dress for you, like a gentleman. See, I'm not looking!
